Chris Fest

Fire Meadow Lodge


In the main building

Talks in this room:
Wednesday Morning
 10:00 ! Live

Fun with singularities

Malcolm Perry

 10:45 ! Live

Chris Pope at 35v + 35c

Michael Duff

 11:30 ! Live

Chris's world in patents

Hadi Godazgar

Wednesday Afternoon
 15:00 ! Live

On higher derivatives and consistent truncations

James Liu

 15:45 ! Live

The firewall transformation: neither entirely consistent nor exactly canonical!

Bernard Whiting

Thursday Morning
 10:00 ! Live

Black holes, long range forces and constraints on EFTs

Sera Cremonini

 10:45 ! Live

String theory, supergravity, consistent truncations, and the fundamental principles governing the cosmos

Oscar Varela

 11:30 ! Live

A new type of singularity in higher-dimensional rotating black holes

Hong Lü

Thursday Afternoon
 15:00 ! Live

LIGO is quantum

William G. Unruh

 15:45 ! Live

Higher-Form Symmetries in (Non-)Compact F-/M-Theory Constructions

Mirjam Cvetič

 16:30 ! Live

Ws, branes and trombones but a missed dinner in Vonnas - physics adventures with Chris

Kelly Stelle